"Code Enforcer"

Municipal & Corporate Code Enforcement & Permitting Management System

  • Web / browser based Municipal and Corporate Code Enforcement & Permitting Management
  • Property/Incident/Complaint Locator: maintain and search properties
  • View Property on Google Maps with 1 click
  • Violation/Case Maintenance: create and track Code Violation Cases against properties and individuals.
    Track code/ordinance violated, status, due dates, assign Inspectors, fine amounts & payments, documents & images, court dates & outcome, etc.
  • Ordinance/Code Maintenance: we can import your rules and ordinances so they are easily editable and accessible when setting up Violations
  • Keep track of Violation/Case payments
  • Tie into your local county GIS (Geographic Information System) and Tax / Land records.
  • Print an official Violation Notice to send to the violator along with envelope with address (PDF. All versions printed are saved to the record for reference
  • Document Manager: Upload images and documents of the property and violation.
  • Permit Maintenance: create, view, approve and print online permit requests.
  • Sample Burning Permit Form
  • A mobile app is in the works for use in the field and office.
  • Code Enforcer is appropriate for many municipalities including: Towns, Cities, and Villages. HOAs (Homeowners Associations) or any company that has rules/regulations/codes to follow.
  • DecentApps will customize this application to meet your business needs & workflows. We can add any functionality you need.